
Thank you for your interest in applying for a grant. We have updated our grant process to an online format Any grant submitted past the due dates, will not be considered and must be resubmitted for the next quarter meeting.

Grant Application Deadline* Trustee Board Meeting
January 15th February
April 15th May
July 15th August
October 15th November

* All Grant Application Must be submitted no later than 5:00pm Central Time.

  1. Starting in 2025, the Foundation will limit grant requests to Texas and will not consider requests outside of Texas.
  2. If your non-profit is outside of Texas and has received a grant in the past, please contact Ann Jensen, the Foundation's Grant Director at
  3. All applications and documents must be submitted via our online application. We do not accept paper applications or email attachments. Please do not email any documentation to the Foundation. All documentation must be submitted through this website.
  4. Your organization must answer all required questions before applying. The required questions are denoted with an asterisk (*).
  5. Always use the organization's name and the Tax ID Number (TIN) shown on your organization's IRS Tax Determination Letter and 990 tax returns. The Tax ID Number (TIN) on your profile must match the TIN on your 990 tax returns and your IRS Tax Determination letter. If they do not all match, your application will be returned to you for correction if time permits.
  6. If your organization uses a DBA, please put it in parenthesis after the organization's legal name.
  7. If your non-profit organization/college/university/school shares a TIN with another non-profit organization, please check with your main office before applying to find out who is authorized to submit applications on behalf of your TIN.
  8. The organization applying for a grant must be exempt from federal income tax as determined by the Internal Revenue Service.
  9. No loans or grants will be made to individuals.
  10. Educational grants are limited to institutions of higher education.
  11. The Foundation requires two years of 990 tax returns, so you must wait to apply until established long enough to meet this requirement.
  12. Please note that if your organization submits your application within the last 48 hours of the submission deadline, the foundation may be unable to advise you of corrections needed with your organization's application.
  13. If your grant request is not selected, we will not discuss the board of trustees' decisions.
  14. Applicants are encouraged to contact Foundation staff with questions regarding the application process.