Who We Are

Our mission is...

"To enhance the lives, communities, and opportunities of others through philanthropic consideration and giving."

A History of Philanthropy

Wayne and JoAnn Moore were both very philanthropic during their lives, giving to many different organizations. They believed that using their estate to establish a foundation was the best way to continue giving back to the community that had given them so many opportunities. The foundation was named in 2008 by the first board members after both Wayne and JoAnn had passed.

Our Board

The foundation board consists of family members, including James Moore and Karen Mann Moore of Midland, Texas. Ann Moore Jensen of Tustin, California. Marilyn Moore Jackson and Dauphen Jackson of Austin, Texas. Kathleen Cotter (Wayne and JoAnn’s granddaughter) of Dallas, Texas. Elizabeth Jensen of Washington DC. William Jensen of Tustin, California, and James W. Carter III (Wayne and JoAnn’s grandson) of Dallas, Texas.

Our Impact

The Foundation strives to fund many diverse programs, including the arts, health and human services and organizations that benefit the broader public in general. Wayne and JoAnn placed considerable emphasis on education and saw it as a path to a fulfilling life. To that end, the Foundation has established a number of endowed scholarships at various colleges and universities, including, Midland College, University of Texas Permian Basin, Texas Tech University, Texas Christian University, Stephens College, and Brite Divinity School.

About Wayne and JoAnn Moore

Wayne Moore was born in Owasso, Oklahoma on August 30, 1913. He attended Oklahoma A&M University (now Oklahoma State University) on a basketball scholarship and then transferred to Oklahoma University, graduating in 1939 with a degree in Geology. Wayne first worked for Stanolind Oil and Gas in Mississippi, then transferred to Midland in 1940. In 1944 he left Stanolind and formed Moore and Gilmore with Bill Gilmore. Wayne was involved with the discovery and development of numerous oil and gas fields in Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, North and South Dakota, Wyoming and Montana. In addition to being active in the oil and gas industry, he also owned and operated several ranches in Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado. In 1946, Wayne married JoAnn Montgomery of Fort Stockton and had two daughters. Wayne remained active in both the oil industry and ranching until his death on July 29, 2006.

JoAnn Montgomery Moore was born in Pecos County, Texas on August 6, 1917. She grew up south of Fort Stockton on a working ranch with her parents and three sisters. When JoAnn and her three sisters were not being taught school work by their governess, they helped their father round up and move the livestock from pasture to pasture. JoAnn and her sisters later moved into the town of Fort Stockton to attend school. After graduating from high school, JoAnn attended Texas Christian University in Fort Worth and graduated from TCU in 1938. JoAnn Montgomery Moore died in April 1991.

At different times both JoAnn and Wayne were trustees of the Board of Brite School of Divinity, and on the Board of Directors at Texas Christian University. Wayne was also Chairman of the Board of Brite as well as on the Board of Directors of Juliette Fowler Homes Inc., Dallas, Texas. Wayne served on the Board at First City Bank, First City National Bank in Midland and was a Board Member at Midland College. They were active members of the First Christian Church in Midland with Wayne serving as a Deacon, and Elder, and a Trustee at different times. Wayne participated in the development of Midland Presbyterian Homes now called Manor Park.

Year End Statements